Saturday, September 12, 2009

It's A

I can't believe it took me this long to post the results of our ultra sound. Shame on me. Anyways, here are some pictures of our little boy.
Here is the picture of his spine. He is facing down in this one.
I love his little foot. So Cute!
In this one he is crossing his legs. He is facing the front. You can see his legs and one little foot.
We couldn't ever get a true profile picture, he liked facing the machine.
He was just shy of 20 weeks when we had the ultra sound. At the ultra sound he weighed around 11 0unces. Most babies at that point weigh just less than 10.5 oz., so he is measuring slightly larger. Today I am 22.5 weeks pregnant, ya. At this point he should be about 11 inches long and weigh about a pound. Thanks to him getting bigger, I am able to feel him every day. Brian has felt him several times, but baby doesn't always kick hard enough for him to feel.
I can't believe that we're now past the half way mark. This past week we got a little more prepared and purchased a crib. We should be able to pick it up with in the next two weeks. We get more excited as we continue to get ready for our wonderful baby boy. I have my next appointment on Monday, so I'll give another update then.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

i totally called u yesterday... no return call. boooo!! i need a picture of your belly please! oh and my belly button is tryin to return to normal, but it has not been successful yet. you bought your crib??? ugh. we need to talk asap.